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Are public speaking classes worth it?

Presenting and public speaking is something many want to improve on, but not everyone wants to spend the money without knowing if it'll be worth it. Here we take a view on what to look for - and watch out for.

Public speaking classes aren't worth it if...

The cost makes your eyes sore. Many workshops are highly expensive and out of reach for most people. One reason for such high prices is that the classes cover the cost of the venue hire, refreshments and the expenses of the coach running the session - it's not a reflection of the coaching itself. So if the price makes you gasp, it's probably not worth it. Instead look for a more accessible option that will likely contain much of the same content.

They lack the credentials. It's important to check the credentials and previous clients. Are they reputable? Does the company have a good number of reviews? This will give a good insight into the quality of the service. Much like life coaches, there are many public speaking and presenting coaches out there, so it's important to do your due-diligence and check for past clients.

They don't tailor to your specific needs. This is a big one. There is no one-size-fits all approach to presenting coaching, because everyone will have strengths and weaknesses in different areas. Although there are some key tips everyone must learn, it's important that the company offers some form of tailoring to what you need, which will very likely be different to what the next client needs.

Public speaking classes are worth it if...

They cover the whole range of public speaking. It's not just about pitch, volume and delivery. Your coach should also be able to cover aspects around the contents of your speech - language, words, rhetoric and structure. They should also be able to offer tips on how to prepare beforehand, as well as body language and breathing techniques. Before buying, check that they offer a holistic approach to good presenting.

They offer you an initial call, cost free. Good coaches will offer an initial call with you before the first session. This allows them to get to know you, discuss your needs and goals and prepare for the session together to allow you to get the most out of it - going back to the importance of tailoring.

They don't lock you in. You should be able to access one, two, three or however many classes you want. If you feel that the ask is too much or they are trying to tie you in, give it a second thought. We all want to try before we sign up to. Subscriptions are cool - but only if you want that and feel you need continual help. If not, look for classes that are lower cost and don't tie you in.


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